7 Types of Sales Enablement Content for Remote Selling

In today’s world of remote sales, content is pure gold. Customer-facing teams often rely on the sales enablement content to,

Right now, the consumption of sales enablement content is at an all-time high by both the customers and the customer-facing teams.

In a situation like this, having a bank of solid sales enablement content is more of a need-to-have than a nice-to-have for remote sales efforts. So, it’s no surprise that several businesses are prioritizing this kind of content creation.

We have surveyed sales leaders from various industries, across various countries to find out about the specific kind of content that they are leveraging to enable their sales reps to do successful remote selling.

From this survey, we have narrowed down the below 8 types of sales enablement content that are most commonly used to carry out remote sales efficiently.

1. Email Templates

Email templates have emerged as the most popular form of sales enablement content as sales communications right now are limited to exchanging emails/ messages.

The key to creating solid email templates is to first understand
  • What kind of content your customers prefer to receive?
  • And what engages them effectively?
Sales enablement teams need to,
  • Develop email templates for each stage of the buying cycle
  • Make them short and to the point
  • Make them interesting and at the same time convey the value
  • Leave space to personalize the messages in the templates
This kind of content,
  • Saves time for your employees while selling
  • Eases their work as they don’t have to think too much about what kind of message to send to the customer at each stage of the buying cycle
  • Allows them to experiment with different kinds of messages

2. Call Scripts

Sales calls are tough to wing. Reaching out to a prospect with no idea of where a call is supposed to go is every bit as difficult as it is ineffective. Reps need a roadmap. And that’s where call scripts come in.

How do call scripts help your sales team?
  • They serve as a backbone for your sales teams’ sales calls
  • They keep your reps on the right track during a call
  • And they prevent them from losing prospects with aimless conversation and too many ums and uhs.
It’s worth noting that call scripts aren’t quite as rigid as film scripts. They’re not concrete documents that need to be faithfully recited the same way every time. They require extensive research on the prospects they involve and a certain degree of personalization that reflects those findings. They also tend to offer different avenues sales reps can take depending on the nature and trajectory of the call.

Ultimately, call scripts provide assured, generally well-tested guidance for reps trying to get the most out of their sales calls.

3. Case Studies

Case studies are one of the most important and powerful pieces of sales enablement content you can create. They can go both ways in terms of sales enablement content.

They can inform a salesperson of an important customer story and they can persuade a prospect to jump off the fence and turn into a customer.

Case studies for salespeople (especially new reps): A well-researched, in-depth case study helps sales reps to deeply understand the target market. It shows them, through a real-world examples,

  • What do the customers want?
  • What are their needs?
  • And what are their preferences?

often in the customers’ own words 

Salespeople gain an intimate portrait of the struggles and challenges customers face. And an insight into how they can alleviate them.

Case studies for customers: Case studies serve as proof that your brand was able to step up and solve their problems when no one else could.

They are relatable to the prospects and they let the prospects see themselves in the other customers’ stories. And stories are the most powerful sales tools. They’re memorable, and they humanize often dry and boring topics like your solution’s specs and features.

And going along with that, case studies highlight your major selling points. Most importantly, they allow other customers to tell your potential customers– why they chose you over anyone else.

We could go on about how important case studies are, but you get the point.

4. Blogs and Articles

Blog posts and articles are the quintessential marketing content material.

They can be used at any stage of the buyer’s journey.

  • At the awareness stage, blog posts can educate prospects on their problems and potential solutions. Helping them better understand where they’re at and what they need to do next.
  • At the consideration stage, blog posts help the prospects to,
    • See the value of your solutions
    • Get to know the pros and cons, benefits, and drawbacks of adopting your solution
    • And get closer to making a decision

At the decision stage, blog posts help solidify the right decision for prospects to make. Helping them remain confident in what they ultimately end up doing.

The sales enablement team should get this content created by the marketing team by collaborating with the sales team. Because sales reps will be able to tell,

Once the blog posts are created addressing these questions, sales teams can turn around and use them to close deals.

5. Whitepaper and eBooks

White papers and ebooks are excellent tools for showcasing the nitty-gritty details of your products and services. You do have to be careful with this content type, however…

It’s very easy to spend hours and hours writing content you think is great, only to find out that either no one wants it, or the leads being generated from the white paper are no good.

This is another reason why it’s important for the sales enablement professionals to get the marketing team to work closely with the sales team. Sales reps can help them identify the content that prospects want to consume. In turn, marketing can create content that drives higher-quality leads.

Also, if a sales rep ever needs to brush up on specific statistics or other hard data, or need to use it for a drip campaign or sales pitch, they can refer to the white papers that are created.

6. Competitor Comparisons

Knowing everything about your product and business is the best starting point for salespeople. But it’s insufficient.

The next step is to understand everything, or as much as possible, about your competitors’ products and business.

This type of knowledge helps salespeople anticipate objections.

It gives salespeople an understanding of what other products in the market their prospects have already seen, and what to say to differentiate your product from theirs.

Competitor comparisons will also help salespeople to see their product’s own strengths and weaknesses, knowing what to play up and use as a sales tool and what to avoid.

The document should be a summary of all this. It’s not meant to be too in-depth.

The goal is to make an easy-to-reference sheet a sales rep can whip out and use anytime.

7. Social media content

Social media is as much a sales tool today as phone or email. And to consistently generate qualified leads, a lot of sales enablement marketing content should be created for all your social media accounts.

This can come in the form of,
  • LinkedIn posts
  • Twitter posts
  • Instagram stories
  • Interesting videos, especially on YouTube
  • Articles and stats
  • Infographics that summarize a bunch of compelling research
The goal should be to build your brand’s authority online while attracting people
  • To your website
  • Or to your email list
  • Or to pick up the phone and call your sales reps

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