Its our values that keep us together

Our shared values as a company keep us connected.

Respect for Individual

We believe that everyone should be treated respectfully and equally.

Integrity in Thought and Action

We believe in upholding the highest level of integrity in our thoughts and actions.


A curious mind is a learning mind. We believe in having people who are willing to ask new questions and find new answers to old questions.

Passion for Performance

We believe that each action should be done to the best of our ability and we should strive for being the best in everything we do.

Customer Centricity

Customer is first, always. Everything we do is aligned to help our customers drive better results.

Continuous Improvement

We believe in having a perpetual drive for making things better, not being satisfied with the status quo of today.

The Founders

Our mission is to help your team achieve their true potential.

Anindita Banik

Prior to Smartwinnr, Anindita worked at Accenture and TCS and helped some of the biggest enterprises with their IT strategy and implementation.

Shiladitya Mallik

An ISB grad and having spent 6 years as Head of International Business with ISB's Centre for Executive Education, Shiladitya has an in-depth understanding about learning, what motivates people to learn and how to make learning fun and engaging.

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