Sales Contest Ideas to Overcome the Mid-Quarter Dullness

A sales contest is the most powerful tool that any sales manager can have in their arsenal. They can implement contests to

  • Boost their team’s morale
  • Encourage healthy competition on the sales floor
  • And increase the overall excitement across the teams

It is the best way to,

  • Get the reps to focus on a specific goal or metric for a short period of time
  • And promote the right activities to achieve those goals.

Despite having this powerful tool, most managers use sales contests only at the beginning or end of a quarter.

Because they want to,

  • Encourage a great fresh start at the beginning of a quarter
  • And excite their reps to close the quarter strong at the end of a quarter

Not many people realize that the middle of the quarter is where a contest can be most effective.

Think about it: The middle of the quarter often feels less urgent. There isn’t immediate motivation to start anew or finish out strong like there is with both the beginning and end. As a result of this, complacency and boredom can set in, within your reps, without much to get fired up about for a while.

So, arrange some good, exciting sales contests at this time to get your reps fired up. Here we have four ideas to get you started.

1. Sowing Seeds of Success

Goal: To get your reps to sow the seeds of their sales growth by investing their time in prospecting

Duration: 1 week

Points: 10 points for each prospect entered into the sales pipeline

How to run this contest? Run this contest for one week and encourage your reps to invest their time, every day, in bringing a good number of quality prospects into the sales pipeline. At the end of the contest period, check the number of leads and the quality of the leads that each rep has brought in. Reward the one who has got a good number of quality leads than the others in the team.

2. Revisiting Leads/ No Cold Leads

Goal: To get your reps to revisit the leads that have not been touched in the last few months

Duration: 1 month

Points: 100 points for reengaging the zoned out leads

How to run this contest? Run this contest for a period of 1 month and encourage your reps to revisit the leads who haven’t been touched in the last few months and try to re-engage those leads in the sales conversations again. The rep who succeeds in re-engaging the maximum number of leads wins this contest.

3. Progressing Prospects

Goal: To get your reps to progress the stagnant leads to further steps in the sales process

Duration: 2 weeks

Points: 50 points for each stagnant lead progressed in the sales pipeline

How to run this contest? Organize this contest for a period of 2 weeks and encourage your reps to take a look at the sales pipeline, identify the stagnant leads and try to progress them to the next steps in the buying process. Reward points for each progress made. At the end of the contest period, reward the rep who has succeeded in progressing more number of stagnant leads.

4.East Coast Vs West coast

Goal: To get your sales teams to generate the highest amount of monthly sales

Duration: One month

Points: 100 points per sale made

How to run this contest? Organize this contest for a period of 3 weeks and encourage your sales teams in various territories to compete with each other to bring in the highest amount of monthly sales. Keep a track of each team’s progress on a live leaderboard. At the end of the month, reward the team that has brought in the highest amount of sales.

Looking for sales contest ideas for different months? Check out this below:Permalink

January– 7 Sales Contest Ideas for January

February– 7 Sales Contest Ideas for February

March– 8 Sales Contest Ideas for March

April– 7 Sales Contest Ideas for April

May– 8 Sales Contest Ideas for May

June– 8 Sales Contest Ideas for June

July– 8 Sales Contest Ideas for July

August– 7 Sales Contest Ideas for August

September– 8 Sales Contest Ideas for September

October– 8 Sales Contests For October

November– 8 Sales Contests for November

December– 7 fun sales contests for December

Looking for sales contest ideas that are particular to your industry?Permalink

Insurance – 7 Sales Contest Ideas for Insurance Agents

Pharmaceuticals & Medical Devices – 5 Sales Contest Ideas for Pharmaceuticals and Medical devices

Call Center – 9 exciting and engaging call centre contest ideas to boost your employee’s productivity

Manufacturing – 5 Amazing Contest Ideas for Manufacturing Units

Retail Stores – 7 Fun Sales Contests for Retail Stores

Retail Banking – 7 Sales contests for Retail Banks

Want to give cool and creative names for your sales contests? Get naming ideas from this blog below:Permalink

Top 20 Sales Contest Names

Want to give creative and funny names for your sales team? Get ideas from these articles below:Permalink

25 Creative Sales Team Names

34 Funny Sales Team Names

How will you communicate the contests that you organize to your participants?Permalink

Once you have a perfect contest idea and a suitable name for it, focus on communicating it effectively to your participants. Follow our sales contest communication template to announce your contest.

Looking for award names and prizing ideas to give out to your contest winners? Read these articles below:Permalink

creative employee recognition awards.

23 Sales incentive ideas to keep your sales team motivated

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