5 Sales Role Play Games that Prepares your Team to Win

- Creates familiarity with the types of individuals your team is most likely to interact with in the course of their work;
- Builds empathy for your customers by having your staff perform as customers; and
- Learning conflict resolution , through the acting-out of interactions with dissatisfied clients.
Effective role playing exercises
1. Learning is Listening

- One person will begin by making a statement. It can be directly related to your organization or something entirely abstract.
- The next person in line should then begin their statement using the last three words of the previous person’s statement.
2. Objection Island:

- Begin by calling out a rep, then hurling a common objection heard during your team’s calls.
- The rep has 5 seconds to respond, and do so in a way that will allow the conversation to progress positively, or they are voted off Objection Island.
- If the rep is successful, the rep then calls out a person of their choice and repeats the process.
3. Role Reversal

- Then have the sales manager take on the salesperson’s role and conduct an ideal role-play. Make them demonstrate their way of approaching clients, handling objections, conversational tactics, and closing techniques.
- Allow the rep to provide feedback, or comment on what they thought worked well or not at all.
- After a round or two, compile what has worked well and switch seats.
- Using this list of winning tactics, helps the reps develop their own comfort level sales conversations. Work on wordsmithing and delivery until reps have a strong grasp of the skills.
4. BoardroomBrawlPermalink

- Gather the team in your boardroom. Come prepared with some recorded calls that could have gone better. Make sure you have at least one for all reps present so the field is level, and they all experience this together.
- If you have a large team, break them up into manageable chunks, let everyone know that their time will come.
- Now, play the call for all to hear.
- Once it is over, immediately adopt the persona from the prospect on the exposed call (make sure you have studied the call, and prepared a transcript to work from).
- Have the rep begin a role-play based on the exact scenario just played for the team. The goal here is to help the rep correct their own mistakes.
5. The Ringer

It is one thing to act out a persona during a role-play. It’s an entirely different thing to seek out the exact persona within your organization and invite them to participate.
If your team targets C-Level prospects regularly, go grab your C-Suite and bring them into your sales training!
Have them simply be who they are, and treat your sales team as they would the numerous salespeople who are attempting to connect with them every single day.
Solicit their feedback on the tactics and have them detail what is important to them with respect to their position, demands, goals, and motivators.
Purpose: If sales reps can draw on this wealth of experience and knowledge within their own organization, you can bet it will pay dividends as they target these folks in other orgs.
Yes, everyone is different. But never forget that majority of C-Level executives face similar challenges and demands, have similar thought processes and certainly similar motivators. There are always outliers, but you’ll be far better prepared if you focus your improvement efforts on the majority.
Wrap up
Use these 5 proven role play games to facilitate sales practice regularly for your team and turn them into efficient sellers. You can always create your own scenarios for your role play exercises. Some of the best ones will come from your own team members who have had to face real-world problems. The more realistic you can make it, the better it will be.
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