7 Fun Sales Contest Ideas to Motivate your Team for Thanksgiving and Black Friday

Thanksgiving is just around the corner, and the festive spirit is brewing, especially for the shopping lovers– hooray for Black Friday. Black Friday is a huge shopping event for everybody in America. With a lot of online and offline stores coming in with huge discounts on some of the very attractive products in the market, your employees must be all geared up to make the most out of it. You could bring this same spirit and enthusiasm into your workplace by introducing Thanksgiving and Black Friday themed sales incentive program. You could create and conduct various contests around Thanksgiving and Black Friday as a part of this program. These contests are sure to work wonders in motivating your employees to achieve their targets during this holiday season.

So, without further ado let us dive into these awesome sales contests that you can run at your office to capitalize on this Thanksgiving and Black Friday spirit.

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1. Turkey is About Done

This contest is named after the famous dish– Turkey that is made on Thanksgiving day. With Thanksgiving causing a disruption in the month with vacation time, encourage your folks to advance opportunities along the sales pipeline.

Conduct this contest for two weeks. Rewards points for moving opportunities from their current status to one that is closer to the sale. Reward the winners, by delivering free and delicious turkey to their house on Thanksgiving day.

2. Black Friday Bonanza

This contest is to celebrate the day when most of the retail stores go into the black. Run a week-long contest with points being awarded for a selected behavior such as closing deals. Each day, give a $25 gift card to the winner of that day. Then, award a larger gift card to the week-long winner.

3. The Giveaway Week

This contest encourages your employees to win free Black Friday gifts. For this contest, write all the prizes that you would like to give your employees for the Black Friday on a paper and put them in the glass bowl. You could have anything for prizes from iPads to headphones and laptops to home utensils.

Now, conduct a one day contest where your reps have to contact as many leads as they can in this one day. By the end of the day, select 4 to 5 people who covered more leads or converted the leads. Now, these people get to pick a paper from the bowl and they will receive whatever gift is written in that piece of paper.

Run this contest every day for one week to make sure that all your employees get to win prizes. Each day, you can conduct the contest around a specific behavior like making more calls, getting good feedback from the customers, etc.

4. Treasure Hunt

This traditional contest idea can be customized to be a thrilling activity for your reps to win a huge and exciting Black Friday prize just by meeting their targets. Select the most desirable and in-demand product of this Black Friday as a prize for this contest like LED TV, PlayStation or iPhone 11 pro.

Now, run a one month contest and see which one of your sales reps bring in the highest revenue by the end of the contest period. Select the top 10 employees who have met or exceeded the revenue targets. Then, organize a treasure hunt amongst them.

Place the clues around your office which will lead them to the treasure. The first person to reach the treasure wins the grand prize.

5. Monday is for Closers

This contest is to celebrate the day when the internet goes crazy with sales. The Cyber Sales day.

Run a day-long contest on Cyber Monday and have your reps compete to make more sales. The participant who closes the most sales on this day wins the contest. Reward the winner with an Amazon gift card that could be used to shop online on Cyber Monday or give a day off the next day.

6. Restaurant Specials for Black Friday

Yes, there may be deals to hunt down and gifts to buy, but shoppers need to eat, too. While your employees might be getting a lot of deals and discounts on various products, they might not have any offer on the delicious holiday specials that are available at various restaurants. You could take care of this for them.

Create and run a week-long contest around booking more meetings. The winner of this contest gets a reservation at a fancy restaurant on Thanksgiving where he could go with his family.

Also, to keep the foodies in your team excited about the final big prize you could arrange breakfast, lunch and/or dinner for your team every day during the contest period. If that’s not in your budget, have a potluck and encourage employees to bring in their favorite dishes.

This will make them feel appreciated (and full) but will also keep their attitude positive and motivation strong. This way you can show them that you notice and appreciate how hard they work during the holiday season.

7. Stuffing Sales

This contest represents the celebration of thanksgiving dinner. Build a percent-to-goal contest to achieve a certain percentage of closed-won opportunities for a period of two weeks. The participants who are closest to achieving (or who furthest exceeded) their goal wins!

The winners will get a turkey delivered to their house for Thanksgiving.

Looking for more Seasonal Sales Contests?Permalink

Searching for free themes for your contest?Permalink

Select from ready-made themes like NFL, Olympics and more. Select KPIs, get engaging team names, team logos, and banners to drive a contest that your participants will remember – Contest Theme Generator

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Looking for creative and funny team names?Permalink

Searching for award names and prizes?Permalink

Want to give out creative awards to your contest winners? Read our article on creative employee recognition awards.
Get creative incentive ideas for your sales contest winners from our blog: 23 Sales incentive ideas to keep your sales team motivated

How will you communicate to your participants?Permalink

Once you have a perfect contest idea and a suitable name for it, focus on communicating it effectively to your participants. Follow our sales contest communication template to announce your contest.

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