8 Sales Contest Ideas for March

Sales contests have been the go-to choice for sales managers when it comes to driving motivation in reps and improving sales results.

When your employees feel motivated and engaged in their work, they are more likely to produce greater sales results for your business. Gamifying their daily work activities in this last month of the first quarter helps in

  • Instilling a spirit of healthy competition
  • Increasing sales revenue
  • And creating a positive work environment

1. Equal Sales:

Why has this contest been chosen for March? (Zero Discrimination Day. 1st March).

Goal: Achieving the target percentage of closed-won opportunities.

Duration: 1 week

Points: 20 points for players who complete their targets within a given time.

Winner: The contest winner will be declared at the end of the week.

Rewards: The participant who becomes the ultimate lead generator by bringing in the maximum number of leads gets featured at the top of the leaderboard and receives an Amazon gift card worth $35

2. Listening To The Client:

Why has this contest been chosen for March? (World Hearing Day, 3rd March)

Goal: To set up a maximum number of meetings with the clients (face to face or virtual).

Duration: 3 weeks, individual contest

Points: 20 points per call

Winner: The winner will be the rep who succeeds in booking the maximum number of meetings with the clients by the end of the 3 weeks.

Rewards: The winner will get an exclusive Apple Watch Series 6

3. Ms Superwoman

Why has this contest been chosen for March? (International Women’s day, 8th March).

Goal: Make this contest exclusive only for the women in your organization. The goal will be to convert the maximum number of opportunities into closed-won.

Duration: One month

Points: 10 points per opportunity converted into a closed deal

Winner: The participant who’s able to convert the maximum number of opportunities into closed deals wins this contest.

Rewards: Apple gift card and allow the winner to leave the office 2 hours early for 3 days.

4. Thebattleground:

Why has this contest been chosen for March? (CISF Raising Day, 10th March)

Goal: Give your reps army caps and the goal to generate maximum leads in a given time frame. For example, give the teams an hour to generate as many leads as they can.

Duration: Everyday

Points: 10 per lead generated

Winner: The top 3 reps to generate the maximum number of leads within the assigned time frame wins the contest.

Rewards: A trip to favourite food joint and Amazon gift cards worth $ 80 for each member of the winning team

5. Birdman:

Why has this contest been chosen for March? (World Sparrow Day, 20th March)

Goal: Clean up your pipelines. There are a lot of opportunities and leads that remain in the pipeline. This contest will be about reaching out to those people or opportunities in the pipeline and closing the deal.

Duration: 1 week, Individual participation

Winner: The person who’s able to contact the maximum number of opportunities and close the deal will be declared the winner.

Rewards: Deep home cleaning service for the winner’s house and the winner can leave early or take a day off on his preferred day.

Points: 10 points per converted opportunity into a closed deal

6.Forest Filled with Leads:

Why has this contest been chosen for September? (World Forestry Day, 21st March)

Goal: A power-packed hour where a rep will be judged based on calls they make in that particular time frame. For example, calling the maximum number of leads within 1 hour. Everyone will be competing against each other.

Duration: 1 week, daily activity. Individual contest.

Points: 20 points per call.

Winner: The team that can make maximum calls within the given hour will be declared the winner.

Rewards: Tickets for the winner and his/her family to visit a national wildlife park.

7. Water, Water Everywhere:

Why has this contest been chosen for September? (World Water Day, 21st March)

Goal: Check-incentre on valuable customers asking for feedback or even telling them thank you for doing business with them.

Duration: Daily activity for 1 week. Individual contest.

Winner: The person who’s able to make maximum calls wins the contest

Rewards: A new laptop bag and 128 GB Pendrive

Points: 5 points per call.

8. Grab the Leave before it leaves you:

Why has this contest been chosen for September? (Make Your Own Holiday Day, 30th March)

Goal: Make maximum calls to the leads in the given timeframe.

Duration: Daily activity for 1 week. Individual contest.

Points: 10 points on completion of both calls and emails.

Winner: The person who’s able to make maximum calls or send emails, wins the contest

Rewards: Two Fridays off in a month, the winner can take two Fridays off whenever he requires in a month.

Looking for sales contest ideas that are particular to your industry?Permalink

Insurance – 7 Sales Contest Ideas for Insurance Agents

Pharmaceuticals & Medical Devices – 5 Sales Contest Ideas for Pharmaceuticals and Medical devices

Call Center – 9 exciting and engaging call centre contest ideas to boost your employee’s productivity

Manufacturing – 5 Amazing Contest Ideas for Manufacturing Units

Retail Stores – 7 Fun Sales Contests for Retail Stores

Retail Banking – 7 Sales contests for Retail Banks

Looking for sales contest ideas for different months? Check out this below:Permalink

January– 7 Sales Contest Ideas for January

February– 7 Sales Contest Ideas for February

April– 7 Sales Contest Ideas for April

May– 8 Sales Contest Ideas for May

June– 8 Sales Contest Ideas for June

July– 8 Sales Contest Ideas for July

August– 7 Sales Contest Ideas for August

September– 8 Sales Contest Ideas for September

October– 8 Sales Contests For October

November– 8 Sales Contests for November

December– 7 fun sales contests for December

Looking for more Seasonal Sales Contest Ideas?Permalink

5 Sales Contest for Summer

5 Sales Contests for Winter

8 Sales Contests for October

8 Sales Contests for November

8 Sales Contests for December

7 Fun Sales Contest Ideas to Motivate your Team for Thanksgiving and Black Friday

Looking for creative and funny team names?Permalink

25 Creative Sales Team Names

34 Funny Sales Team Names

Searching for award names and prizing ideas to give out to your contest winners? Read these articles below:Permalink

creative employee recognition awards.

23 Sales incentive ideas to keep your sales team motivated

How will you communicate the contest to your participants?Permalink

Once you have a perfect contest idea and a suitable name for it, focus on communicating it effectively to your participants. Follow our sales contest communication template to announce your contest.

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