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How to partner with HR to streamline your onboarding process?

4 minutes read

Did you know that 29% of the new hires leave their job within the first 90 days if the onboarding is not up to their expectations? This costs a lot of time, effort, and money for the companies and leaves a bad experience for the new recruits. Therefore it’s highly crucial that you streamline your onboarding process.

Now, onboarding is a multi-step process that involves various teams like the talent acquisition team, the sales enablement team, and the sales leadership.

You will be able to execute a perfect onboarding program only when the workflow is seamless between all these key players. Especially between the HR team and the sales enablement team who are responsible for bringing in the right talent and enabling that talent to be successful in your organization.

1. Establish a digital collaboration platform

In this new era of remote work, a digital platform is essential to facilitate collaboration.

So, dedicate a digital platform specifically for the onboarding purpose where the HR, sales enablement, and other teams involved in the onboarding process can collaborate and communicate easily.

Through this platform, they should be able to share information regarding

  • The number of new hires coming into various functions
  • The start date for each cohort
  • Documents of the new recruits etc

This helps to:

  • Create transparency between the HR and the training teams,

  • Ensures seamless continuity in the process

  • Makes it easy for everyone to understand what’s next in the onboarding process

2. Set Hiring Standards

Each sales function requires the new hires’ skills to meet certain standards. In order to ensure these standards, the sales onboarding team needs to become a bridge between the sales management and the talent acquisition team.

The onboarding team should collect the skill requirements from the sales management, set hiring standards according to those requirements, and communicate the same to the talent acquisition team.

Setting hiring standards is very important because-- if the HR team brings in people whose skills are at level 3, then there would be a very slim chance for the onboarding team to get them to a level 10 within 60 or 90 days.

Encourage your sales enablement team to set the hiring standards and ensure that recruitment meets the skill profile.

3. Hold a coordinated HR orientation

HR orientation is conducted for the new hires on their first day with your organization. This is where the HR managers introduce the new hires to

  • The company

  • Its founding story

  • The company’s culture

  • The products and services that you offer

  • Your customer base

  • The benefits that they would get in their role etc

Encourage your sales leaders and trainers as well to pitch into this orientation and speak about,
  • The culture of the sales department
  • Contributions of their specific function towards the success of the company
  • Various employee success stories
  • Work environment
  • Overview of their training schedule etc

This coordinated orientation helps in passing the baton from the HR team to the training team easily.

4. Analyze new hires’ persona

The first-ever interaction that your new hires had within your company was with the interviewers (during their several rounds of interviews). So obviously those interviewers would have a fair understanding about each new hires’,

  • Strengths and weaknesses

  • Experience level

  • Key skills

  • Passions

  • Ambitions

  • Motives

  • Preferences

This information can come in handy for the trainers and coaches as this helps them to better understand how to connect, communicate and coach the new hires in a way that interests them.

If its possible, request your HR team to create employee persona documents. These documents should contain a readout of all the traits of the new hires and should be shared with the onboarding team. These documents act as great assets for the onboarding team as they don’t have to spend any additional time understanding each person in their cohort.

Want to know how to run a successful onboarding program for your remote new hires?

Read: How to Run the New Hire Onboarding Process Remotely?

Looking for strategies to ramp up your new hires quickly?

Read: 5 Strategies to Reduce Ramp-up Time for Your New Sales Recruits

Want to gamify your new-hire onboarding?

Read: 5 Sales Contests for your Next Sales Onboarding Process

Published on Wed Apr 14 2021

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