‘Work from Home Warriors’: Sales Training Game for Remote Sales Teams

Your salespeople are the soldiers who guard your company at the forefront. They need to be equipped with the right knowledge to face any customer question effectively.
In order to ensure this, you need to provide effective and continuous training to them. But how will you ensure continuous training to your sales reps who are working remotely?
We have got a perfect plan to help you with this. A gamification plan. A learning contest for your remote sales reps.
Any contest should be introduced with a powerful name. So, let’s call our contest: Work from Home Warrior’s League
In order to run this work from home warriors contest, you need to conduct the activities that are listed below.
The ROI of this contest?
You will have a knowledgeable and well-equipped sales team which will become your competitive advantage.
So, let’s dive right into it

1. Ask 5 Questions Everyday
- They provide a quick and easy way to reinforce knowledge for your reps. As they are short assessments with just 5 questions, your reps have to spend just a couple of minutes to take these tests.
- They reinforce crucial information like product knowledge, market knowledge, competitive intelligence, and more
- Since your reps take these tests every day they will be able to remember crucial information for a longer time. And, they will be able to recall it immediately when required (while talking to the customers).
- Single select question: There will be a single correct option
- Multi-select question: There will be multiple correct options
- Matching question: Have to pair the questions in one list with the answers in the other list.
- Hotspot question: These are image-based questions. It asks the quiz takers to click a spot on the image as the correct answer.
2. Remote Video Coaching Assignments
Frequency: Give two video coaching assignments per week
Purpose: To make your reps practice sales conversations on product pitch, product demo, and objection handling.
Benefit: Video Coachings enable salespeople to practice their sales conversations in a safe and supportive environment. It helps to improve themselves through the feedback that they receive from their trainers and managers.
How it works: Give two video coaching assignments every week and ask your reps to record a video of themselves pitching a product, giving a demo, or handling a sales situation. The managers/ trainers can then evaluate these videos and give points and provide their subjective feedback.
Trainers/ Managers can also mark the best videos as top videos and share them with everyone in the team. This gives recognition to the reps who have performed well in the coaching. As well as create peer learning opportunities.
Here are some example coaching assignments:
- The customer says that the price of your product is very high when compared to the competitor XYZ whose product provides the same benefits as yours. How will you respond?
- Your company is launching a new product. You are meeting with a new prospect and you feel that this new product will help them. What will be a strong opening statement?
- 10 points on submission
- 10X points on the evaluation
- 100 points for top video
Use SmartWinnr’s Video Coaching to assign video coaching assignments to your reps.
3. Instructor-led Virtual Training
Frequency: Conduct one virtual training session each week.
Purpose: The purpose of these sessions is to train your reps on important sales topics.
Benefit: Your reps will get to connect with the subject matter experts virtually and learn from them about products, selling skills, and sales methodologies
How it works: Dedicate 1 day in a week to conduct this training session. Schedule this session bearing in mind the time zone and work schedule of your trainers and sales reps. Make sure that it is scheduled on a day when it is convenient for both the trainers and sales reps to attend the session.
Run the session for 6-7 hours where the trainers, subject matter experts, and the sales reps meet virtually through a video call. Remember to give frequent breaks. In the sessions, make sure that you maintain a balance between what your reps want to learn and what you want to train them on. Cover the topics based on your reps’ learning preferences and also the business objective that you want to achieve.
Here are some topics to cover in the instructor-led virtual training sessions:
- Product information
- Market information
- Selling skills
- Sales methodologies
- Competitor information
- Objection Handling techniques
- Prospecting techniques
- Pitching/Demo techniques
- Customer Archetypes in your business and the ways to sell to them
Pick a combination of these topics (like 4-5 topics in each session) to train your reps.
Pro Tip: – Make sure that you don’t overwhelm the trainees by covering too many concepts in one session. A golden rule here would be to start small and slowly increase the intensity of training with each session.
Also, make sure that your trainer takes some time at the end of the training session to clarify the doubts/ answer any questions/ address any concerns that your trainees might have.
Points: Assign 10 points to the reps for attending each training session.
4. Pre-training Survey
Frequency: Conduct a pre-training survey before every instructor-led training session.
Purpose: To understand the expectations from the instructor-led virtual training.
Benefit: With the pre-training survey, you will be able to understand the learning needs and preferences of your trainees. You can then customize your training sessions to cater to their learning needs. This helps you to engage your audience in the training.
How it works: Send this survey to the trainees 2 days before the instructor-led training session in order to unearth their learning needs. This survey should capture all the information about your trainees which can be used to provide relevant and useful training to them.
Here are some example questions to have in the pre-training survey:
- How many years of sales experience do you hold?
- When was the last time you have attended a skill-based training?
- Tell us if there is any toughest sales situation that you have encountered so far and what actions did you take?
- From the list below pick 3 skills that you think you are most perfect in?
- Pitching a product
- Giving demo
- Probing
- Negotiating
- Objection handling
- Customer Research
- Cold calling
- Closing
Points: Assign 10 points for responding to the survey
Also Read: Survey Questions to ask your Sales Team before a New Product Launch Training
Leverage SmartWinnr’s Surveys to conduct your pre-training surveys.
5. Post-training Surveys
Frequency: Conduct a post-training survey after every instructor-led virtual training session
Purpose: To assess your trainees’ progress and satisfaction with your training.
Benefit: With the help of the post-training survey you will be able to gauge how successful your training session was. You will be able to identify what is working and what is not in the training and take immediate action to improve the training sessions.
How it works: Send this post-training survey a day after the training session to your trainees. This survey should capture information about how your trainees have received the training. The goal here is to not only see how useful it was for your reps but also to evaluate how you can improve these virtual training sessions going forward. So, in this survey, focus your questions on three categories:
- Structure of the training session
- Content
- Delivery
Here are some example questions
Structure of the training session
- On a scale of 1 to 10 how would you rate the training session’s sequence and flow?
- Did you feel equally engaged throughout the course?
- Do you have any feedback about yesterday’s session?
- Were there enough audio and video files throughout the course?
- the quality of the content consistent throughout the course?
- you get an in-depth explanation of each topic?
- topics in the course did you find difficult to understand?
- you find the training content to be overwhelming at any point?
- would you rate the overall course content?
- Would you say that the language and accent of the trainer was clear and easy enough to understand?
- Did you notice any unnecessary repetitions in the content?
- Would you have preferred more interactivity in the training session?
- How would you rate the overall course delivery by the trainer?
Points: Assign 10 points for taking this survey
Leverage SmartWinnr’s Surveys to conduct your pre-training surveys.
6. Structured Learning Paths
Frequency: Assign one structured learning path each week to the reps
Purpose: To provide a customized structured learning plan for each one of your reps.
Benefit: Structured learning paths provide a customized and sequential way of training the learners on any given topic. These are best for topics like training on foundational knowledge, products, certifications.
How it works: Create a structured learning path with various modules and assign it to the trainees to complete. Each module will contain a mix of training content like videos, PDF’s, Just-in-time learning content, assessments, etc. Now the trainees need to finish these modules in a sequence in order to finish the whole learning path.
You can set certain restrictions for these learning paths in order to take the learners through this path in a sequence. For example:
- You can set a condition that a learner can access the next module only after completing the module before that.
- You can set a condition that the learner has to achieve a certain threshold score in a module in order to proceed to the next module
- You can set a condition that a module will be available for the learners to access only on a specific date.
Points: Give 100 points to your reps upon completion of a learning path.
Use SmartWinnr’s SmartPaths to provide a structured learning path for your trainees.
7. Product Demonstrations
Frequency: Conduct 3 product demos per week. You can choose to replace this activity with any other activity of your choice. It just needs to be important towards building your sales pipeline and something that the teams can do while working from home.
Purpose: To build a healthy sales pipeline and close more deals
Benefit: Product demonstration is a key sales activity that each and every one of your reps needs to embrace in order to bring in more sales. A customer will want to buy from you only when he clearly understands all the features and benefits of the products that you are offering.
How it works: Set a target of 3 product demos per salesperson. They have to customize these demos according to the requirements of the prospect. They need to:
- Talk about the specific need of the client
- Demonstrate all the product features clearly enough for the client to understand
- Mitigate any pain points that the client might have
- And, address all the issues, concerns and objections that the client would raise
By the end of the demo, if the sales rep succeeds in moving the client to the next step in the buying process then she gets 100 points.
Points: Assign 100 points per demo.
Gamify sales KPIs using SmartWinnr’s sales contest .
Are you looking for a ready-made Sales Contest Template? Click here to design your own template for free, in just 3 clicks.
How do you Gamify this entire program
Gamify these activities in order to make it fun and engaging for your sales reps. Here is how to do that: Conduct this contest as a monthly or a quarterly contest. Run the contest in an individual format or team format. Put up these scores on a live leaderboard. You can have a participant leaderboard and a team-based leaderboard.
SmartWinnr’s Individual Leaderboard

SmartWinnr’s Individual Leaderboard

Now, recognize the highest-scoring team or the top 10 reps who have the highest score and reward them with exciting gifts.
Go ahead and implement this for your remote sales reps and witness a significant improvement in their sales knowledge and performance. Contact us if you want to know more.
Learn how poly runs an effective sales training for their global sales teams through SmartWinnrPermalink
Click here to learn how Poly runs their sales training program through SmartWinnr
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Looking for a sales training software that takes your sales training to a whole new level?Permalink
Explore SmartWinnr’s Learning and Gamification features and learn how to run a fun and engaging sales training for your team.
Curious to learn more about it? Book a demo today!
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Explore SmartWinnr’s Learning and Gamification features. Learn how to run fun and engaging sales training and sales coaching for your team through SmartWinnr.
Curious to learn more about it? Book a demo today!